80+ Japanese Demon Names with their type and meaning

If you’re writing an awesome fantasy novel or just exploring the darker side of Japanese mythology, demon names can add a rich layer of mystery and intrigue to your story. With the right names, you can give much more weight to the plot and create an atmosphere that pulls readers deeper into your world of darkness and wonder.

Even if your purpose is different and you’re seeking Japanese demon names for other reasons, the end goal remains the same. Finding the right demon name can help you achieve the depth and impact you’re aiming for. Fortunately, that is where our article comes into play as in this article I am going to share some of the best Japanese demon names and their types while sharing their meaning and pronunciation to help you understand each name properly.

Types of Demons

In Japanese culture, there are many types of demons known since ancient times. However, there are primarily 12 core types of demons, and here is a list of these core types along with their descriptions:

1. Oni (鬼): They are fearsome orge-like demons known for their brute strength and association with destruction. Moreover, they are often described as powerful enforcers of chaos or punishing wrongdoers.

2. Yokai (妖怪): They are more like a broad category of supernatural entities with various behaviors, ranging from mischievous tricksters to protective spirits. Yokai often embodies elements of nature or human emotions.

3. Tengu (天狗): These are mythical bird-like beings associated with mountains and forests. They protect sacred places but can also be mischievous or vengeful.

4. Tsukumogami (付喪神): They are supernatural beings/objects that came to life after 100 years. While often playful, they may become vengeful if mistreated during their inanimate existence.

5. Yurei (幽霊): Ghosts of deceased individuals who remain in the mortal world due to lingering emotions or unresolved issues. They often seek vengeance or closure.

6. Ayakashi (妖怪・怪異): Supernatural entities tied to water, such as rivers or oceans. They are mysterious and often dangerous, representing the unpredictability of nature.

7. Shikigami (式神): These are spiritual familiars summoned and controlled by practitioners of onmyodo (esoteric cosmology). These beings serve their masters for protection or magical tasks.

8. Jikininki (食人鬼): Cursed spirits that consume human remains. These beings symbolize the consequences of greed and moral corruption.

9. Akuma (悪魔): Purely malevolent demons akin to the Western concept of devils. Akuma are embodiments of destruction, chaos, and corruption.

10. Kami (神): Divine spirits or gods, ranging from benevolent guardians to wrathful entities. Malevolent kami often represent nature’s destructive aspects or divine punishment.

11. Bakemono/Obake (化け物/お化け): Shapeshifting entities capable of transforming into animals, objects, or humans. They are often mischievous but can sometimes be malevolent.

12. Hannya (般若): Demonic spirits born from jealousy and betrayal, symbolizing the destructive power of intense emotions.

Best Popular Japanese Demon Names

1. Raiki (雷鬼)

  • Kanji: 雷 (thunder) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A dangerous thunder demon that controls storms and commands fear with its roar.
  • Pronunciation: Rye-kee

2. Fukuroji (袋路鬼)

  • Kanji: 袋 (bag) + 路 (path) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Tsukumogami (harmless)
  • Meaning: A spirit of forgotten bags, guiding travelers who have lost their way.
  • Pronunciation: Foo-koo-roh-jee

3. Shingure (真紅霊)

  • Kanji: 真紅 (deep crimson) + 霊 (spirit)
  • Type: Yurei (harmful)
  • Meaning: A crimson spirit feared for its silent, eerie appearances in battlefields.
  • Pronunciation: Sheen-goo-reh

4. Kazemaru (風丸)

  • Kanji: 風 (wind) + 丸 (circle)
  • Type: Yokai (harmless)
  • Meaning: A mischievous wind entity that stirs leaves and echoes laughter in forests.
  • Pronunciation: Kah-zeh-mah-roo

5. Hikatori (火鳥鬼)

  • Kanji: 火 (fire) + 鳥 (bird) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Tengu (harmful)
  • Meaning: A fiery bird demon, guardian of mountain shrines, feared for its flames.
  • Pronunciation: Hee-kah-toh-ree

6. Tsukihana (月花鬼)

  • Kanji: 月 (moon) + 花 (flower) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A demon that blooms under moonlight, spreading fear and confusion.
  • Pronunciation: Tsoo-kee-hah-nah

7. Kurogane (黒金鬼)

  • Kanji: 黒 (black) + 金 (gold) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A demon of unyielding strength, capable of having black iron and gold.
  • Pronunciation: Koo-roh-gah-neh

8. Seiryu (青竜鬼)

  • Kanji: 青 (blue) + 竜 (dragon) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Yokai (harmful)
  • Meaning: A river dragon known for its turbulent moods and destructive floods.
  • Pronunciation: Say-ree-you

9. Tamayori (玉依霊)

  • Kanji: 玉 (jewel) + 依 (approach) + 霊 (spirit)
  • Type: Yurei (harmless)
  • Meaning: A gentle ghost believed to protect sacred treasures.
  • Pronunciation: Tah-mah-yoh-ree

10. Yamabiko (山彦鬼)

  • Kanji: 山 (mountain) + 彦 (echo) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Tengu (neutral)
  • Meaning: A playful mountain spirit that echoes voices to confuse climbers (often known for its harmless behaviors but sometimes it can cause harm to climbers.).
  • Pronunciation: Yah-mah-bee-koh

11. Inazuma (稲妻鬼)

  • Kanji: 稲妻 (lightning) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A lightning demon feared for its ability to strike without warning.
  • Pronunciation: Ee-nah-zoo-mah

12. Oboroyo (朧夜妖)

  • Kanji: 朧 (hazy) + 夜 (night) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (harmless)
  • Meaning: A phantom that appears on foggy nights, is known to inspire eerie tales.
  • Pronunciation: Oh-boh-roh-yoh

13. Kinzoku (金属鬼)

  • Kanji: 金属 (metal) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A metal demon, said to manipulate weapons and control steel, attacking people with this ability.
  • Pronunciation: Keen-zoh-koo

14. Harukaze (春風妖)

  • Kanji: 春 (spring) + 風 (wind) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (harmless)
  • Meaning: A spirit of spring winds, known for spreading calm and renewal.
  • Pronunciation: Hah-roo-kah-zeh

15. Kagehana (影花鬼)

  • Kanji: 影 (shadow) + 花 (flower) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A fierce shadow demon said to wilt flowers in its path.
  • Pronunciation: Kah-geh-hah-nah

16. Kogarashi (木枯鬼)

  • Kanji: 木枯 (cold wind) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Yokai (harmful)
  • Meaning: A demon made of icy winds, blamed for withering crops in winter.
  • Pronunciation: Koh-gah-rah-shee

17. Tetsuya (鉄夜鬼)

  • Kanji: 鉄 (iron) + 夜 (night) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A night demon with an iron will, feared for its relentless pursuit.
  • Pronunciation: Teht-soo-yah

18. Sazanami (漣妖)

  • Kanji: 漣 (ripple) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Ayakashi (neutral)
  • Meaning: A water spirit that moves with gentle ripples but can stir tempests.
  • Pronunciation: Sah-zah-nah-mee

19. Hikarimo (光霧鬼)

  • Kanji: 光 (light) + 霧 (mist) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Yokai (harmless)
  • Meaning: A luminous mist spirit, appearing in dawn to guide lost souls.
  • Pronunciation: Hee-kah-ree-moh

20. Akibara (秋薔霊)

  • Kanji: 秋 (autumn) + 薔 (rose) + 霊 (spirit)
  • Type: Yurei (neutral)
  • Meaning: An autumnal ghost tied to withering roses, bringing quiet reflection.
  • Pronunciation: Ah-kee-bah-rah

21. Isamune (氷澄鬼)

  • Kanji: 氷 (ice) + 澄 (clear) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: An ice demon known for freezing everything in its presence with crystal-like precision.
  • Pronunciation: Ee-sah-moo-neh

22. Urami (恨霊)

  • Kanji: 恨 (grudge) + 霊 (spirit)
  • Type: Yurei (harmful)
  • Meaning: A vengeful spirit fueled by long-held grudges, feared for its unrelenting pursuit of wrongdoers.
  • Pronunciation: Oo-rah-mee

23. Nagikaze (凪風妖)

  • Kanji: 凪 (calm) + 風 (wind) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (neutral)
  • Meaning: A spirit of still winds, known for calming storms and silencing chaos.
  • Pronunciation: Nah-gee-kah-zeh

24. Akikumo (秋雲鬼)

  • Kanji: 秋 (autumn) + 雲 (cloud) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmless)
  • Meaning: A cloud demon that drifts across autumn skies, bringing fleeting rains.
  • Pronunciation: Ah-kee-koo-moh

25. Todoroki (轟鬼)

  • Kanji: 轟 (roar) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A roaring demon whose thunderous voice echoes through mountains.
  • Pronunciation: Toh-doh-roh-kee

26. Nokiba (軒端霊)

  • Kanji: 軒 (eaves) + 端 (edge) + 霊 (spirit)
  • Type: Yurei (harmless)
  • Meaning: A gentle spirit that lingers under the eaves, watching over homes.
  • Pronunciation: Noh-kee-bah

27. Hoshikage (星影妖)

  • Kanji: 星 (star) + 影 (shadow) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (neutral)
  • Meaning: A celestial spirit known to follow the movements of stars, guiding travelers at night.
  • Pronunciation: Ho-shee-kah-geh

28. Rinkoku (燐刻鬼)

  • Kanji: 燐 (phosphorus) + 刻 (engrave) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A glowing demon that marks its victims with a phosphorescent curse and is often known for its wrong doings.
  • Pronunciation: Reen-koh-koo

29. Yukihana (雪花鬼)

  • Kanji: 雪 (snow) + 花 (flower) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Yokai (harmless)
  • Meaning: A winter spirit said to bring delicate snowflakes that sparkle like flowers.
  • Pronunciation: Yoo-kee-hah-nah

30. Kirigami (霧紙妖)

  • Kanji: 霧 (mist) + 紙 (paper) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Tsukumogami (neutral)
  • Meaning: A mist-born paper spirit that folds into shapes to communicate its will.
  • Pronunciation: Kee-ree-gah-mee

31. Kaminari (雷鳴鬼)

  • Kanji: 雷 (thunder) + 鳴 (roar) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A thunder demon feared for the deafening roar that precedes its arrival.
  • Pronunciation: Kah-mee-nah-ree

32. Sumika (住処霊)

  • Kanji: 住処 (dwelling) + 霊 (spirit)
  • Type: Yurei (harmless)
  • Meaning: A housebound spirit that protects homes it once inhabited in life.
  • Pronunciation: Soo-mee-kah

33. Namihana (波花妖)

  • Kanji: 波 (wave) + 花 (flower) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Ayakashi (neutral)
  • Meaning: A water spirit known for creating flower-shaped ripples on calm seas.
  • Pronunciation: Nah-mee-hah-nah

34. Kagerou (陽炎鬼)

  • Kanji: 陽炎 (heat haze) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (neutral)
  • Meaning: A mirage demon that confuses travelers with shifting, illusory visions.
  • Pronunciation: Kah-geh-roh

35. Hokuto (北斗妖)

  • Kanji: 北斗 (Big Dipper) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (neutral)
  • Meaning: A star spirit tied to the Big Dipper, believed to bring navigation and luck.
  • Pronunciation: Hoh-koo-toh

36. Oboro (朧鬼)

  • Kanji: 朧 (hazy) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (neutral)
  • Meaning: A hazy demon that thrives in twilight, blending with the fading light.
  • Pronunciation: Oh-boh-roh

37. Ishigane (石金鬼)

  • Kanji: 石 (stone) + 金 (gold) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Tsukumogami (neutral)
  • Meaning: A stone spirit said to turn ordinary rocks into gold under the right conditions.
  • Pronunciation: Ee-shee-gah-neh

38. Hanayuki (花雪妖)

  • Kanji: 花 (flower) + 雪 (snow) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (harmless)
  • Meaning: A delicate snow spirit, appearing as fleeting blossoms in winter storms.
  • Pronunciation: Hah-nah-yoo-kee

39. Tsubame (燕鬼)

  • Kanji: 燕 (swallow) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmless)
  • Meaning: A swift demon that travels with the wind, often seen as a fleeting shadow.
  • Pronunciation: Tsoo-bah-meh

40. Aokage (青影鬼)

  • Kanji: 青 (blue) + 影 (shadow) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A shadow demon cloaked in blue, feared for its ability to steal warmth.
  • Pronunciation: Ah-oh-kah-geh

41. Jintsura (迅面鬼)

  • Kanji: 迅 (swift) + 面 (face) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A swift demon that attacks in the blink of an eye, leaving behind an eerie mask-like impression.
  • Pronunciation: Jeen-tsoo-rah

42. Kuronami (黒波妖)

  • Kanji: 黒 (black) + 波 (wave) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Ayakashi (harmful)
  • Meaning: A dark water spirit that brings rolling black tides to the shores.
  • Pronunciation: Koo-roh-nah-mee

43. Hoshihime (星姫霊)

  • Kanji: 星 (star) + 姫 (princess) + 霊 (spirit)
  • Type: Yurei (neutral)
  • Meaning: A celestial spirit thought to protect sailors lost at sea under starlit skies.
  • Pronunciation: Ho-shee-hee-meh

44. Shidama (死魂鬼)

  • Kanji: 死 (death) + 魂 (soul) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A death demon that steals wandering souls and traps them in the void.
  • Pronunciation: Shee-dah-mah

45. Aozora (青空妖)

  • Kanji: 青 (blue) + 空 (sky) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (harmless)
  • Meaning: A peaceful sky spirit known to bring calm weather and clear blue skies.
  • Pronunciation: Ah-oh-zoh-rah

46. Enrai (炎雷鬼)

  • Kanji: 炎 (flame) + 雷 (thunder) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A ferocious demon that combines fire and thunder to unleash fiery storms and is known as a bringer of disasters.
  • Pronunciation: Ehn-rye

47. Toketsu (凍結霊)

  • Kanji: 凍結 (freeze) + 霊 (spirit)
  • Type: Yurei (neutral)
  • Meaning: A frozen spirit that lingers in icy terrains, trapping wanderers in eternal frost.
  • Pronunciation: Toh-keht-soo

48. Shiranui (不知火妖)

  • Kanji: 不知火 (mysterious fire) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (neutral)
  • Meaning: A ghostly fire spirit that flickers over swamps, guiding or misleading travelers.
  • Pronunciation: Shee-rah-noo-ee

49. Hisame (氷雨鬼)

  • Kanji: 氷 (ice) + 雨 (rain) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A very harmful and fierce cold-hearted demon that brings icy rain, freezing everything in its wake.
  • Pronunciation: Hee-sah-meh

50. Amekaze (雨風妖)

  • Kanji: 雨 (rain) + 風 (wind) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (harmless)
  • Meaning: A gentle rain spirit, often appearing during summer showers with soft breezes.
  • Pronunciation: Ah-meh-kah-zeh

51. Haraguro (腹黒鬼)

  • Kanji: 腹黒 (malice) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A deceitful demon that thrives on lies and manipulates emotions for its gain and often causes harm to people who cross their path with them.
  • Pronunciation: Hah-rah-goo-roh

52. Tsubaki (椿霊)

  • Kanji: 椿 (camellia) + 霊 (spirit)
  • Type: Yurei (harmless)
  • Meaning: A flower spirit tied to camellias, said to offer solace in moments of grief.
  • Pronunciation: Tsoo-bah-kee

53. Akiboshi (秋星妖)

  • Kanji: 秋 (autumn) + 星 (star) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (neutral)
  • Meaning: A spirit of autumn stars that signal the changing seasons.
  • Pronunciation: Ah-kee-boh-shee

54. Tenraido (天雷道鬼)

  • Kanji: 天 (heaven) + 雷 (thunder) + 道 (path) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A heavenly thunder demon, blazing paths of destruction with lightning.
  • Pronunciation: Tehn-rye-doh

55. Mikage (御影霊)

  • Kanji: 御 (revered) + 影 (shadow) + 霊 (spirit)
  • Type: Yurei (neutral)
  • Meaning: A revered spirit known to guard shrines and sacred grounds. (they are harmless as long as you don’t have any evil intentions)
  • Pronunciation: Mee-kah-geh

56. Fuyuzuki (冬月妖)

  • Kanji: 冬 (winter) + 月 (moon) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (harmless)
  • Meaning: A winter moon spirit, believed to inspire poets and dreamers with its glow.
  • Pronunciation: Foo-yoo-zoo-kee

57. Hinotama (火の玉鬼)

  • Kanji: 火 (fire) + 玉 (ball) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A fierce orb demon that burns anyone who dares approach its domain/area/land.
  • Pronunciation: Hee-noh-tah-mah

58. Sakurako (桜子霊)

  • Kanji: 桜 (cherry blossom) + 子 (child) + 霊 (spirit)
  • Type: Yurei (harmless)
  • Meaning: A beautiful gentle cherry blossom spirit believed to bring fleeting moments of happiness and peace.
  • Pronunciation: Sah-koo-rah-koh

59. Tatsunami (竜波鬼)

  • Kanji: 竜 (dragon) + 波 (wave) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Ayakashi (harmful)
  • Meaning: A dragon wave demon that stirs tsunamis with its wrathful presence.
  • Pronunciation: Taht-soo-nah-mee

60. Yorugami (夜神妖)

  • Kanji: 夜 (night) + 神 (god) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (neutral)
  • Meaning: A nocturnal spirit revered as the guardian of peaceful dreams.
  • Pronunciation: Yoh-roo-gah-mee

61. Iwakura (岩蔵鬼)

  • Kanji: 岩 (rock) + 蔵 (storehouse) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Tsukumogami (neutral)
  • Meaning: A stone guardian spirit that hides treasures deep within mountain caves. (if you are greedy then they can be harmful towards you)
  • Pronunciation: Ee-wah-koo-rah

62. Hikage (日影妖)

  • Kanji: 日 (sun) + 影 (shadow) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (neutral)
  • Meaning: A shadow spirit that dances at dusk, blending sun and darkness.
  • Pronunciation: Hee-kah-geh

63. Suzuran (鈴蘭霊)

  • Kanji: 鈴 (bell) + 蘭 (orchid) + 霊 (spirit)
  • Type: Yurei (harmless)
  • Meaning: A delicate spirit tied to lilies of the valley, offering purity and peace.
  • Pronunciation: Soo-zoo-rahn

64. Kaminariha (雷刃鬼)

  • Kanji: 雷 (thunder) + 刃 (blade) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A blade-wielding thunder demon, striking with precision and fury.
  • Pronunciation: Kah-mee-nah-ree-hah

65. Tsuyuhime (露姫妖)

  • Kanji: 露 (dew) + 姫 (princess) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (neutral)
  • Meaning: A spirit born of morning dew, said to bring clarity and renewal to those who encounter it.
  • Pronunciation: Tsoo-yoo-hee-meh

66. Kogarashi (木枯鬼)

  • Kanji: 木枯 (winter wind) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A winter wind demon that chills the air with its mournful howls, making it hard for people to reach the destination.
  • Pronunciation: Koh-gah-rah-shee

67. Hotarubi (蛍火妖)

  • Kanji: 蛍 (firefly) + 火 (fire) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (harmless)
  • Meaning: A firefly spirit known for lighting the paths of lost wanderers. (cute and beautiful)
  • Pronunciation: Ho-tah-roo-bee

68. Shinkiro (蜃気楼鬼)

  • Kanji: 蜃気楼 (mirage) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A demon that creates mirages to lure travelers into dangerous terrains.
  • Pronunciation: Sheen-kee-roh

69. Sazanami (漣妖)

  • Kanji: 漣 (ripples) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Ayakashi (harmless)
  • Meaning: A gentle and beautiful water spirit that dances across the surface of still lakes.
  • Pronunciation: Sah-zah-nah-mee

70. Tenjin (天神鬼)

  • Kanji: 天 (heaven) + 神 (god) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A wrathful heavenly demon that punishes those who defy celestial order.
  • Pronunciation: Ten-jeen

71. Shigure (時雨霊)

  • Kanji: 時雨 (drizzle) + 霊 (spirit)
  • Type: Yurei (harmless)
  • Meaning: A spirit that manifests in gentle autumn rains, evoking a sense of nostalgia.
  • Pronunciation: Shee-goo-reh

72. Fujikasumi (藤霞妖)

  • Kanji: 藤 (wisteria) + 霞 (mist) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (neutral)
  • Meaning: A misty wisteria spirit that shrouds its surroundings in fragrant mystery.
  • Pronunciation: Foo-jee-kah-soo-mee

73. Aragiri (荒霧鬼)

  • Kanji: 荒 (wild) + 霧 (mist) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A fierce demon that conjures wild mists to confuse and ensnare its prey(generally humans).
  • Pronunciation: Ah-rah-gee-ree

74. Hibikage (響影妖)

  • Kanji: 響 (echo) + 影 (shadow) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (neutral)
  • Meaning: A shadow spirit that amplifies echoes, creating haunting melodies in the dark.
  • Pronunciation: Hee-bee-kah-geh

75. Yakumo (八雲鬼)

  • Kanji: 八 (eight) + 雲 (cloud) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A demon that can shift into clouds, often known for bringing sudden storms and chaos.
  • Pronunciation: Yah-koo-moh

76. Hinatabi (陽炎妖)

  • Kanji: 陽 (sun) + 炎 (flame) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (neutral)
  • Meaning: A spirit that dances in shimmering heatwaves, often appearing in summer times.
  • Pronunciation: Hee-nah-tah-bee

77. Kinzoku (金属鬼)

  • Kanji: 金属 (metal) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Tsukumogami (neutral)
  • Meaning: A metallic demon born from ancient weapons.
  • Pronunciation: Keen-zoh-koo

78. Suisen (水仙霊)

  • Kanji: 水 (water) + 仙 (hermit/sage) + 霊 (spirit)
  • Type: Yurei (harmless)
  • Meaning: A completely harmless water spirit that is tied to daffodils.
  • Pronunciation: Soo-ee-sehn

79. Hakuyasha (白夜叉鬼)

  • Kanji: 白 (white) + 夜叉 (yaksha/demon) + 鬼 (demon)
  • Type: Oni (harmful)
  • Meaning: A ghostly white demon that strikes under the pale light of the moon. (Quite popular in anime)
  • Pronunciation: Hah-koo-yah-shah

80. Amanokaze (天風妖)

  • Kanji: 天 (heaven) + 風 (wind) + 妖 (apparition)
  • Type: Yokai (neutral)
  • Meaning: They are basically heavenly wind spirits that often bring blessings or herald storms depending on people.
  • Pronunciation: Ah-mah-noh-kah-zeh

Significance of Japanese Demon Names

Demons are basically mythical creatures or beings that are rooted in folklore and mythology, and due to this reason, they not only hold significant cultural and spiritual meanings but also reflect the complex relationship between humans and the supernatural.

In Japanese culture, demons are generally categorized as oni, yokai, tengu, and more. These are not just various types; they are often described as powerful and fearsome beings with diverse roles—ranging from protectors to evil spirits. Based on these types and roles there can also be specified names for each demon which can embody themes of fear, mischief, and transformation. Additionally, these types of names often represent the darker aspects of life, such as death, chaos, and nature’s uncontrollable forces.

By the way, the significance of each demon name can vary based on the type of demon it represents. Some demons are considered benevolent, often symbolizing strength and protection, while others serve as cautionary figures, warning against immoral behavior or disrespect for nature.

Additionally, there are many demon names in Japan that are tied to seasonal changes, local traditions, and religious beliefs, serving as symbols of both protection and danger.

Yato no Kami
Yato no Kami

As a co-founder and the lead developer of namesgenre.com, I’m passionate about building a seamless and intuitive experience for anyone exploring our naming tools. My expertise in web development ensures that our tools are fast, reliable, and easy to use, empowering you to discover the perfect name for your needs—whether it’s for a business, story, or special occasion.

Articles: 43